Annual Homestead Schedule

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Creating an annual homestead schedule is helpful for the success of the yearly goals on the farm. It helps to keep focused and plan out the structure of what we need to accomplish.

Over the past couple of weeks we have been planning our year and goals which we’d like to achieve with our homestead. And so, I’ve put together a list of our simple month to month to-do list.

I’m the type of person who likes to make lists. I like to think that I’m somewhat organized – it helps keep me sane while raising two toddlers while expecting our third baby.

So, when it comes to running our homestead, it’s no surprise that I have multiple lists for various things. It has been something that has become beneficial to us, especially as we are learning about and growing our homestead.

group of ducks outside in a pen
Getting our ducks in a row.

Annual Homestead Schedule

This upcoming year will almost be like starting from scratch for us. It will be the first year that we have brought many changes to our homestead. We are expanding our garden and are adding many new processes.

We have goats on our homestead this year, are adding more chickens and have hopes of participating in our local farmer’s markets. Keeping organized with our year, helps us to stay on track and will make our goals more achievable.

Here is a breakdown of our schedule by month. There may be changes that come up along the way, but I make notations in our calendar and planner when they arise.

alpine goat outside eating hay


#1 Plan the year. Make lists and goals for our homestead, put together annual homestead schedule.

#2 Make garden plans. We are expanding this year, so a lot of advance planning needs to happen.

#3 Purchase seeds and put together a seed sowing schedule for both indoors and outdoors.

#4 Baby goats! Our mama goats are set to have their babies sometime soon. We have seven left to kid after one lost her babies earlier this month.

#5 Put together liturgical plans, birthdays and celebrations for year.


#1 Prep and complete taxes. Finalize financial plans for the year.

#2 Purge files. Clean out filing cabinets, organize office.

#3 Prep for spring cleaning. De-clutter, organize, deep clean.

#4 Utilize any down time to complete projects before the busy season kicks off.


#1 Deep clean, organize goat and chicken shed/storage.

#2 Prep for wasp and pest control. We usually have a bad wasp problem and I like to make sure we have a plan in place to keep them under control.

#3 Calving (late)

two chicken hens outside in a run


#1 Start getting garden beds ready – pending last frost/weather. We very well could still have snow on the ground at this point.

#2 Start indoor seeds.

#3 Prep an area for a compost pile (new for us this year)

#4 Get ready for new baby chicks.

#5 Purchase a new deep freezer. We need more storage for all of the preserving that I hope to accomplish this year.

brahma chicken outside in grassy lawn


#1 Spring cleaning indoors and outdoors. Weather radio set up. Clean out storm shelter.

#2 Purchase more goats (early)

#3 Depending on frost date – begin planting.


#1 Preserve any extra fruits, veggies, etc. – This will be ongoing every month as the need arises. Preserve by freezing, canning and dehydrating.

#2 Gather wood for the winter.

#3 Participate in local farmer’s markets.

large group of eggs filling a black basket and egg skelter, sitting on a countertop


#1 Hay field work begins.

#2 Preserve garden fruits/veggies.

#3 Focus on homestead crafts, organization, etc.


#1 Painting the house and deck if the time/weather allows. Regular home maintenance/updates.

#2 Preserve garden fruits/ veggies.

#3 Gather fire wood for the winter.

group of goats outside eating hay


#1 Fall homestead crafts.

#2 Preserve garden fruits/veggies.


#1 Fall cleaning – just like spring cleaning, but I also include plans for winterizing.

#2 Plan & prep for fall/winter gardens.

#3 Preserve garden harvest.

#4 Gather fire wood for winter.

two red barns and trees in background


#1 Finalize harvest and winterizing of homestead.

#2 Sell off excess goats before winter. We have several that we keep around the homestead and will have pregnant nannies that remain on our homestead through the winter and following year.


#1 Prep year end expenses.

#2 Calculate year end yields and start plans for the coming year.

These are only some of the events that come up through out the year. It doesn’t factor in our daily chores, household duties and additional work that we take on.

This calendar/schedule does help us to stay on track with planning what we need to accomplish for the year. The summer months don’t have much on our agenda, but they are our most busy season.

Homesteading is hard work, but it is also very rewarding and we enjoy every moment of it.

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