Raising Farm Kids: The Benefits of Country Living
Oh, there are so many wonderful benefits of raising farm kids and country living! But I didn’t always dream of this life. Or even knew just how beneficial it really is.
If you haven’t followed along with my posts on this blog for some time, I’ll let you in on a little secret. I did not grow up on a farm.
I was born and raised in Los Angeles and long story short. It wasn’t until I met and married my husband that I got a real sense of what country living was all about.
You see, my husband is a real life cowboy and grew up miles down the road from where we live now. He was raised as a good ole country boy on his family’s ranch in rural Nebraska.

This post has been updated from its original publish date of July 18, 2017.
What are the Benefits of Raising Farm Kids & Country Living?
Over the past several years of true country living, I’ve gained some awesome experience and a true love of this lifestyle. I’m so thankful that I have the opportunity to raise my little farm kids here.
And for the record there’s nothing wrong with city living! That’s exactly where I was raised. But I have a love of the simplicity that is found in country living.

Country living offers a variety of benefits that appeal to different individuals based on their preferences and lifestyle. Some of the advantages of country living include:
- Peace and Quiet: Country areas are typically quieter than urban or suburban settings. This tranquility can contribute to a more relaxed and peaceful lifestyle.
- Cleaner Air: Rural areas often have cleaner air with fewer pollutants, contributing to better respiratory health and overall well-being.
- Natural Beauty: Country living is often associated with picturesque landscapes, green fields, and open spaces. This can provide a visually appealing and calming environment.
- Community Connection: Small towns and rural communities often foster strong social connections. People in rural areas tend to know their neighbors and participate in local events and activities.
- Lower Cost of Living: In many cases, the cost of living in rural areas is lower than in urban or suburban settings. This includes housing costs, property taxes, and general expenses.
- Outdoor Recreation: Country living often provides easy access to outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing, gardening, and other nature-related pursuits.
- Less Traffic and Congestion: Rural areas typically have less traffic and congestion, leading to shorter commutes and a reduced risk of stress associated with traffic jams.
- Space and Privacy: Country living often means larger properties and more space between homes, providing residents with a greater sense of privacy.
- Healthier Lifestyle: With more opportunities for outdoor activities, fresh air, and potentially locally sourced produce, people in rural areas may adopt healthier lifestyles.
- Closer to Nature: Living in the country allows for a closer connection to nature, with wildlife, flora, and fauna being integral parts of the environment.
- Cultural Heritage: Many rural areas have a rich cultural history and traditions that residents may actively participate in, contributing to a sense of community identity and pride.
- Self-Sufficiency: Some individuals value the opportunity to be more self-sufficient in rural areas, whether through gardening, raising livestock, or other sustainable practices.
It’s important to note that while these benefits may appeal to many, individual preferences vary, and some people may find that urban or suburban living better suits their lifestyle and needs.

Creating Strong Family Bonds
Growing up on a family farm and especially living a rural life, children gain a special friendship and bonds. We live pretty far from town and our children are each other’s best friend.
This is where the entire family works together, plays together, and makes a life together.
Our entire home life is centered around God first and family immediately following. We gather together for family meals, work, and play together.

Teaching Respect & Manners
Children growing up on a family farm learn a respect for God’s creations. As our children grow in age, they are learning how to care and respect our animals. And to appreciate the gifts the Good Lord provides.
They learn to respect their elders. This is something incredibly important to me. Our children are being taught to address their elders by Mr. and Mrs.
This might be lost art, but it is a big part of our family farm culture.

Fostering Creativity
I think I’ve mentioned this in four blog posts now, it’s that important! And without sounding too repetitive, I’ll keep it summarized.
Children need boredom in order to foster a sense of creativity and allow for proper development. What better opportunity for independent and free play, than on the family farm?
Farm kids have some of the best imaginations I’ve ever seen.

Life Skills are Developed
I believe that children need to be taught basic life skills in order to survive in the world. And raising farm kids gives them the perfect opportunity to learn how to cook & bake from scratch.
They’re learning where their food comes from and the hard work that is put into every day life. Our farm kids are learning how to grow and raise their own food.
And there’s a sense of accomplishment and awe in learning this skill.
Building Strong Work Ethics
On a family farm, children learn to put the needs of farm animals ahead of their own needs. They realize that these animals are dependent on us to keep them happy and healthy.
Every single day there are chores that have to be done. Unlike normal jobs, there are no days off or days when we can skip chores.
Sundays are a day to slow down and relax, but there are still regular chores to be done. Even in the heat and humidity of a Midwest summer or the piercing cold of winter. Animals have to be fed and there are eggs that need to be gathered.
This is where farm kids learn responsibility by doing, not by having someone telling them it is important.

Learning from the Circle of Life
On our homestead, our kids learn about raising a variety of farm animals. And with raising animals, they are learning about the breeding process of our goats & cattle.
They learn about hatching ducks & chickens and the delicate care necessary for their early life.
And then unfortunately, they learn that death is inevitable. Despite however many times we have been introduced to it, it really doesn’t get easier for us to handle. But understanding it as a normal part of life is helpful for our children.
Health Benefits of Living on a Farm
Raising farm kids. Sigh. They get incredibly dirty. But children need dirt to stay healthy because there are organisms are microorganisms found in soil which is super beneficial to overall health. This article explains more.
And farm children have fewer allergies or asthma.
Living a simple, rural life is also beneficial to overall health benefits and helps to reduce stress.
Truth be told, our kids very rarely get sick. And I believe it’s from living a healthy farm life. Total win in my opinion!

You Might Be a Farm Kid if…
- Instead of going to a swimming pool, you head down to the creek.
- You drink out of a garden hose like it’s nothing.
- Muck boots & dirty jeans are regular parts of your wardrobe.
- A trip to the petting zoo is no big deal because you have all of those animals at home.
- You don’t know what it’s like to sleep in on weekends.
- You’ve ever ran across hay bales.
- Chores came before play time.
These are just a few of the benefits of country living which we have grown to love. And what it’s really like to raise farm kids.
What else would you add to the list?

“A trip to the petting zoo is no big deal because you have all of those animals at home.” So true. My parents come to visit from the city and see a deer out the window. They try to point it out to my 2 year old. She shrugs, says there’s were 5 of them out there a minute ago. She didn’t bother mentioning it. She loves seeing them, but they’re her deer. She watches them quietly, no need to mention it because it’s everyday life here. Completely broke my city parents.
Haha so, so true. Since I’m a city girl, I remember what excitement the petting zoo was for me when I was young. But we recently took our kids to one and they were like it was normal. 🙂
To funny! I’m the complete opposite though, I grew up around a lot of animals but I still get excited and love to point them out (just to my husband really) almost whenever I see them. The other night, we say 5 or 6 owls congrgatinh in the middle of our dirt road, we didn’t seem to bother them at first but then they flew away. That was really cool to see
That’s awesome! Great experience for your littles. 🙂
I like how you mentioned that kids on farms have a lot more opportunities to raise their life skills like cooking. Additionally, the ability to appreciate where the food comes from which could result in better empathy. That’s perfect since I’ve noticed a farmhouse for sale while browsing the real estate scene earlier. I’ll probably have my family moved to it and tend a farm ourselves while keeping my online job. I’ll talk to my wife about this later and hopefully, she’ll like the idea since she’s a country girl herself too. Thanks!
That’s awesome Jeremy! Good luck with your potential move. 🙂
I completely agree that kids who grow up in more rural areas create better bonds and friendships with their sibling. My mother grew up working on a ranch, and I have noticed that their family seems more tightly knit. I also like that this mentioned that rural life is more beneficial, as it helps reduce stress. My friend has been thinking of moving to a rural town, so I think that she’d be very interested in reading this article.
Thank you for sharing! I hope your friend finds a perfect rural home. 🙂
It’s really neat that you point out that kids growing up on a family farm lean a respect for God’s creations. My sister and her husband are looking at moving right now, and they have four young children. I think they would really like living on a ranch so that they can learn an appreciation for God’s creations and spend more time together.
Oh, thats fantastic! I wish them well in that journey. 🙂
It sure is nice to know that raising children on a farm will help them form stronger bonds. My wife and I are slowly getting tired of the hustle and bustle of the city, and buying a farm property is really on the table for us. We might just spring on it the next time enough funds for it show up. Thanks for this really helpful piece about country living
I appreciate how you mentioned that owning a farm and raising a family on one is beneficial because it teaches kids to grow and raise their own food, giving them a sense of accomplishment. My husband really want to teach our kids these valuable life skills, like caring for animals, taking responsibility for their own food and hard work, but we’re worried that starting a farm won’t fit our budget. We’ll have to find a farm financing business that can help us get the loans we need to start our own farm so our kids can grow up learning hard work.
We are grateful for this life! For us to make it work, we have started out slowly and built a little at a time. Best wishes in your journey! 🙂
My husband and I are thinking about moving to a ranch in the country with our kids. It is great to know that this type of living will promote strong family bonds, especially because we can all work together on the ranch. Also, it would be a great way to teach our children important life lessons about hard work and success.
Thanks you! Good luck with your future move. 🙂
I love what you mentioned about the entire family working together, playing together, and making a life together. My husband and I have been thinking about where we want to buy our first home and start raising our children. Both of us grew up in smaller towns and loved having a more simple upbringing. We’ll have to start looking for a great realtor who can show us some beautiful homes in the country. Thanks for the article!
Good luck with your future home search! 🙂
I’m tired of living in the city, and I want to raise my children in a country home on a hill. Thanks for saying that if they live in the country, they’ll be able to care and respect animals that live there. I think that this will make them more well-rounded individuals, so I might look around and see if I can talk to a professional who sells these kinds of properties.
I hope you’ll love it…good luck in your search! 🙂