Homemade Pasta Noodles

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Learning how to make homemade pasta noodles at home is much easier than you’d think. With 2 simple ingredients, a bit of kneading, and cutting is all that is needed!

Skip the store bought pasta and learn how to make homemade pasta noodles!

Easy, peasy!

You can skip straight to the recipe. However, in this post, I give very detailed step by step instructions.

And a whole lot of photos to help guide you with your first pasta making experience!

homemade pasta noodles resting into nest piles and drying on black counter top

Making homemade pasta noodles isn’t difficult!

Maybe the thought of making homemade pasta is a bit intimidating. But, trust me, it is much more simpler to make than you’d think! I’m going to share exactly how to make it… super simply.

I literally couldn’t believe how easy this was to make when I first started. It only takes a couple of ingredients, is super fast to roll out and create. And it cooks incredibly fast!

And I don’t know about you, but I believe that homemade food just tastes better. There’s something ultra satisfying about creating a meal from scratch.

So, let’s get started!

Gather the ingredients…

farm fresh eggs in carton, and glass storage container with flour and red measuring cup

All that is needed for this recipe is all purpose flour, a small amount of water, and farm fresh eggs. I used a organic white wheat that is purchased in bulk from Azure Standard.

This is such a great recipe to make to use pantry staple ingredients!

Steps to make this recipe

Are you ready to see just how easy this is to make?

First step. Measure out the flour and create a little well in the center. Then you’ll add the eggs to the middle of this well.

flour with well for pizza dough

Using your fingers, slowly work the eggs, water, and flour together. Knead until you make the dough into a nice little ball.

Or you can easily make a pasta dough with a stand mixer using the dough hook. Just be sure that it is kneaded well, but not over done.

I have used both options, and they both come out perfectly!

If it’s too moist add a couple of pinches of flour, but not too much. Too dry? Add a splash of water.

The pasta dough will be a little sticky at first, but becomes only slightly tacky after working it a little. But the more you work it, the dough will become smooth.

It’s important to knead it well.

From here, I like to cut my dough into four even pieces. This helps to roll it out before I use my pasta machine.

pasta dough divided into four even pieces on a counter top

Roll out the pasta dough just a bit using a wooden rolling pin to help it fit into the pasta roller a bit more evenly.

pasta dough rolling out on countertop with a wooden rolling pin

If you don’t have a pasta machine, you can still make your own pasta noodles at home! Just roll them out with a rolling pin to the desired consistency, and cut them into preferred pasta shapes.

You can even use a pizza cutter to cut the noodles!

using a pasta roller attachment to roll out pasta on the stand mixer

Use a dusting of flour in between each rolled out pasta piece to prevent them from sticking together.

Roll the pasta dough through the machine. Fold the dough in half and roll it out again through the machine.

rolled out pasta noodles resting on the countertop

Place the rolled out dough on the counter and dust with a small amount of flour to prevent sticking.

linguine pasta roller cutting pasta shapes with stand mixer

Tip: use small dustings of flour to keep the pasta from sticking together when rolling out the shapes. Just a little is needed.

fresh cut linguine pasta noodles in hand

Cooking homemade pasta is really easy and super fast, too! You’ll want a big ole pot of water boiling on the stove.

Don’t forget to salt your water…you want it salty like the sea!

Drop your pasta in and allow to boil for about 1-3 minutes or so. It doesn’t take very long at all. Give it a taste test before draining the water.

Now serve with your sauce of choice! This is my most favorite and easy creamy pomodoro sauce recipe. It pairs perfectly with any pasta, especially homemade!

cooked homemade pasta noodles with a creamy pomodoro sauce on a white platter with black utensils

A simple recipe that is perfect for teaching little ones how to make their own homemade pasta noodles. And they’ll totally love the experience!

I mean, who doesn’t love to make a mess with flour while “helping” mama cook?

homemade pasta noodles resting into nest piles and drying on black counter top

Homemade Pasta Noodles

Making your own pasta noodles at home is easier than you’d think! With only 2 simple ingredients, you'll have super fresh homemade pasta noodles.
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 3 minutes
Total Time 23 minutes
Author Mary Woita
Servings 6
Calories: 183kcal


  • 2 cups of all-purpose flour plus a little more for dusting
  • 3 large farm fresh eggs
  • 1 tablespoon of water


  • Measure out the flour and create a little well in the center. Then you’ll add the eggs to the middle of this well. Using your fingers, slowly work the eggs and flour together. Knead until you make the dough into a nice little ball. If it’s too moist add a couple of pinches of flour. Too dry? Add a splash of water. Or you can use your stand mixer with a dough hook to bring this pasta dough together quickly. Just be sure to not over knead with the mixer.
  • The dough may be a little sticky at first, but becomes only slightly tacky after working it a little. But the more you work it, the dough will become smooth. It’s important to knead well, but not over done.
  • From here, I like to cut my dough into four even pieces. This helps me to roll it out before I use my pasta machine. Rolling it a bit helps the dough to go into the pasta roller easier.
  • Use your pasta roller, use speed setting 2 on your mixer, and guide the pasta dough into the machine. Fold it in half, and roll it out again throug the pasta machine.
  • Use the pasta attachment of choice to make desired pasta shapes. I used the linguine cutter and set my stand mixer to speed 5. Each shape will reguire different speed setting. Check with your machine for preferred settings. Dust the pasta noodles lightly with flour to help prevent them from sticking together. Lay out the noodles on a drying rack or in little birds nest with a sprinkle of four while making more pasta.
  • Cooking homemade pasta is really easy and super fast, too! You’ll want a big ole pot of water boiling on the stove. Don’t forget to salt your water.
  • Drop your pasta in the boiling water and allow to boil for 1- 3 minutes or so, depending on the size and shape of your pasta. It doesn’t take very long at all. Give it a taste test before draining the water.
  • Serve with sauce of choice & enjoy!


Tip: use small dustings of flour to keep the pasta from sticking together when rolling out the shapes. Just a little is needed.

More pasta recipes:

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  1. I do homemade noodles with homemade chicken broth with nice hunks of chicken. I have to make them at least once a week. My 2 yo granddaughter loves them, and she enjoys “helping” mammom making them.

  2. Hi Mary……Four years ago this April I jumped in {with the insistence of some dear friends} in trying a dating site. I divorced my first husband after 32 years of marriage! Then I worked and lived alone, with the exception of my 3 pups, for 9 years. After getting on the site, Farmers Only, it wasn’t long before I found a post from a farmer in Missouri who had just lost his wife cancer 2 years earlier, after 34 years of marriage. I was from a small town in Nebraska and never in my wildest dreams thought I would ever really find my soul mate on a farm in Missouri! We met, and was love at first sight! We married 5 months later. Since it would have been difficult to move the farm to Nebraska, I moved lock, stock and barrel to Missouri. I had not grown up on a farm, but had relatives who were farmers and spent time on farms, so it wasn’t completely alien to me. But I have sure learned more than I ever thought I could at my age! I adore my husband, the farm, the cattle and planting fields of corn and soybeans, and all that goes along with it. It was hard to leave my parents, kids and grandkids, but I believe they are glad I have found happiness at this stage of my life. I love to garden, always have. My husband built me a garden shed, complete with grow lights, heat and air conditioning! What a guy! I have always been an animal lover, we have 2 cattle dogs, 6 cats, and 180 head of black angus cattle at the moment, that number goes up and down. And we grain crop and hay about 800 acres. I am 62 and my husband is 66 and going strong! I mention the fact that maybe he might want to think about slowing down some, but can a farmer ever really ever retire! Ha We have each other, 6 grown married kids and 7 grandkids between us. He has his 94 yr. old mother and I have my84 yr old mother, who are doing well. I am SO Blessed! I thank God every day for the life I am living and I found your blog and just felt the need to share my story with you……its never too late to live your fairy tale with the Good Lords help! Thanks for putting up with my very long story, thought you and some of your other blog friends might enjoy it …..God Bless. P.S Sorry….I think this was supposed to be a comment on noodle making! Ha

    1. Wow, what a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing it with me. 🙂 I’m so happy to hear you’ve found love and happiness. And it’s true, farmers/ranchers have trouble slowing down. I’m married to one and it’s definitely a challenge!