How to Build a Super Frugal Goat Shelter
In this post, learn how to build a goat shelter super frugally! With the use of free pallets and a couple of other simple supplies, you’ll be able to create a shelter for your small goat herd.
This year, we needed to expand our goat shelter but stay within our end of the year budget. So my skilled husband put a plan together on how to build a super frugal goat shelter.
In the past our goats have been housed in the barn opposite side of our chickens. But we have made some changes to our farm and we’ve grown a little over the past couple of years.
So, it’s time for some projects.

This post has been updated from its original publish date of December 26, 2017 on Boots & Hooves Homestead. It has been updated to provide better photos, additional helpful information and step by step instructions.
Its officially winter and we’re in the middle of this year’s kidding. Its bitterly cold, my bones ache and my hands are starting to crack from the dry, winter air.
No matter how many years, I’ve lived in Nebraska, my California body just won’t get used to the midwest winters! Its definitely not my favorite time for project building or outdoor work.
But kidding season is pretty awesome and its one of my favorite times of the year. So it makes it all worthwhile!
Because I mean, check out the cuteness.

DIY Goat Shelter Plans
I am very fortunate to have married a man who is very skilled in our DIY projects. Poor guy usually grumbles when he hears me mention the word Pinterest.
And over the summer he put together this awesome greenhouse for me. What a sweet man, I have! I am forever grateful!
He put together plans for a simple and very frugal goat shelter for our expanding goat herd. We have loads of pallets floating around the farm for these projects so we can keep on our budget.
Be sure to check with your local farmer or rancher to find extra pallets for this project.
This project is also very simple. He was able to put it together within an hour or so.
We aren’t usually procrastinators that wait until the snow is already on the ground for these type of projects.
The craziness of the summer has kept us very busy and we are playing catch up on our projects since things are starting to slow down just a tiny bit.

Supply list
Here’s what you’ll need to create this goat shelter.
- 7 wood pallets, just about any size will work as long as they are the same dimensions. 5 of the pallets are used for the structure and 2 are used for parts/pieces.
- Several 1 inch and 2 inch screws.
- Large piece of scrap plastic silage cover (check with your local farmer/rancher) or you can use tarps. We went with a silage cover because its what we had available.
- A really good drill. This is the one my husband uses for all of his farm projects! And its one he seriously loves and would recommend to anyone.
Goat shelter plan
We started off by lining two of the pallets together, side by side, and then securing them with screws.
Next, we added a pallet to each side of those pallets. And then we placed two pallets on the top to create a roof. Securing them all really well with screws.

My husband took apart pieces from other pallets and used them to make this goat shelter more secure by creating simple beams.
Lastly, we added the plastic silage to protect the entire structure and our goats from the cold weather.
It has been sufficient for keeping our goats warm and protected from the cold winter weather in our Nebraska climate.
However, during extreme temperatures or other bad weather conditions, we do move the goats to the goat barn.
This goat shelter is also great for using in the pasture so the goats have an escape from rainy weather, seek shade during the summer, and other elements while they’re out grazing.

This super frugal pallet goat shelter is really easy to put together and perfect if you’re trying to stick to a budget!
You really could get creative with building a simple shelter for your goat herd. Utilize what you have laying around or barter with your local farmer!
Use up old fencing materials, scrap woods, plywood, etc. Get creative and frugal!

Another option for livestock shelter
If you find yourself without access to extra pallets, you could easily set up an easy goat shelter using cattle panels and tarps or extra plastic silage covers.
Simply make an arch frame and secure with t posts and wire. Then use your cover for a very frugal and simple goat shed.
Of course, you can get fancier by using metal roofs and using better quality lumber. These options are perfect for those who are needing a simple project for beginners and also keeping the project budget friendly.
This is really nice article.. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Mark! 🙂